Choosing the Best Home Security System For Your Peace of Mind

4 minute read

By Chris Brown

Home security is about more than just protecting your possessions. It’s about protecting your peace of mind too. So sit back, and get ready to learn everything you need to know about choosing the best home security system.

Understanding Home Security Systems

Home security has come a long way. What was once a luxury reserved for the rich has been made accessible for just about anyone with the patience and the initiative to learn and install a functional security system. Whatever your budget, and whatever your needs, know that the right security solution is never more than a few online orders away.

In short, a home security system can be defined as any tool or collection of tools designed to augment and enhance the security of a residential building. This can include any combination of alarm systems, video cameras, audio sensors, motion detectors, as well as professional monitoring services.

Home security systems can be crafted as a way to deter burglars, guard the inhabitants and belongings inside, and protect the home from floods, fires, and natural disasters. If there’s a need, then there’s most likely a modern and reliable solution available.

Benefits of a Home Security System

Most of us understand the top-line advantages of installing a home security system, but it’s worth taking some time to unpack these benefits. Technology has seen the cost of home security enhancements come down dramatically over the years, but the upfront costs can still be significant. So, with that in mind, let’s highlight a few noteworthy home security benefits.

Assessing Your Security Needs

It’s all but impossible to build out a one-size-fits-all solution. Every family, home, neighborhood, and budget is entirely different. Still, whether you’re hiring a professional or opting for a DIY approach, the home security installation process always begins with a security assessment.3

Start by evaluating your home’s vulnerabilities. Do you live in an area with high crime rates? Is your home concealed by trees or situated out in the open? Is there an area of your home that’s particularly vulnerable to break ins, or contains more valuables than typical?

Again, it’s impossible to understate the value of professional assistance in this area. Home security professionals just know more, and enlisting the help of one can save you a lot of time, money, and effort in the short and long term.

Types of Home Security Systems

The home security market is vast, with options designed to serve every need and satisfy every budget. It’s difficult to break down all of the products available, as the market is always shifting and new products and services are rolled out regularly. Instead, we’ll take a look at the primary decision points available to homeowners who are just beginning their home security journey.

Professional Monitoring vs Self Monitoring

This is a big decision that can have a substantial impact on your home security budget. While you can eliminate the need for monthly fees by choosing a self-monitored solution, professional monitoring usually includes 24/7 coverage and the ability to alert authorities when necessary.

Wired vs Wireless

Easier to install and adjust, wireless home security solutions have seen a dramatic increase in popularity. So, why go wired? Well, a wired system is more permanent, and is less prone to service disruption.

DIY vs Professional Installation

As mentioned earlier, home security systems have come a long way. As such, the DIY installation process is much simpler than it used to be. A wireless system that operates over WiFi can be installed in an afternoon by just about anyone with even a passing understanding of modern technology. Still, not everyone has the time or confidence to install a home security system themselves. Which option you choose is largely dependent on your budget and your schedule.

Getting the Most Out of Your New System

So you’ve assessed the needs of your home, and installed a brand new system. Now what? Well, that depends. If you opted for a fully monitored system, a lot of the day-to-day maintenance will be handled by the company that you hired. If you went with the self-monitored option, there’s still a little work to be done. But don’t worry, most of the hard work is over.

Getting the most out of your security system is a matter of updates, tests, and add-ons. Make a point to inspect the integrity of your system periodically, never skip a software update, and come up with new ways to compliment your system over time.

By upgrading the locks on your doors, investing in strategically placed outdoor lighting and landscaping, and by staying engaged in the home security process, you can ensure that your home is always safe and secure.

Safe and Sound

You have a responsibility to protect your home and the people that live there. If locks and closed windows aren’t enough, consider enhancing the security of your home with one of the many available home security solutions available today.

You don’t have to spend thousands of dollars to boost your security either. Technological advancement has made home security more accessible than ever before. From wireless cameras and LED flood lights to doorbell monitors and WiFi cameras, you can enjoy peace of mind without breaking the bank.

Chris Brown
