Understanding Different Tooth Replacement Options for Dental Restoration

4 minute read

By Chris Brown

Oral health is important. Fortunately, the barriers to a healthier mouth have never been easier to overcome. Technology has simplified the tooth replacement process, such that just about everyone can find a viable tooth replacement solution that matches their budget. Let’s have a closer look.

The Importance of Tooth Replacement

Before breaking down the various available options, it’s important to understand the true value of tooth replacement. It’s easy to make the case for dental restoration when a patient is missing several teeth, but the science tells us that even a single missing tooth can pose problems in both the short and long term.

Indeed, a single missing tooth is far from inconsequential. Even one missing tooth can cause resorption, which is a natural process where the body begins absorbing bone tissue from the jaw bone, which can reduce the functionality of the jaw and change the shape of the patient’s face forever.1

That’s not all either. Missing teeth can lead your other teeth to shift and overgrow to fill the gap, which can lead to even more problems in the teeth and jaw. Missing teeth can also impact the way you eat, speak, and smile. We’d be remiss to ignore the dramatic impact missing teeth can have on a person’s self confidence too.2 The deck is stacked against delaying tooth replacement. With that in mind, it’s time to explore the many options available to those looking to restore their smile.

Dental Implants

Dental implant surgery is the gold standard for tooth replacement. It uses titanium posts that are rooted into the jaw bone to preserve the structure of the jaw and form a permanent replacement for the tooth. Dental implants fuse with the jawbone as they heal, ensuring that they’ll never slip, make noise, or decay.3

Dental implants are the ideal solution for those who are unable or unwilling to wear dentures, have healthy oral tissue, and don’t smoke. They aren’t without their drawbacks though. Risks include infection, nerve damage, sinus problems, and injury or damage to the surrounding teeth and blood vessels. Recovery time can be long too.

The procedure isn’t cheap either. Dental implants are widely regarded as the most costly tooth restoration option, and may not fit nicely into everybody’s budget. Especially those without insurance coverage or those who require multiple implants. As mentioned earlier, there are more economical alternatives available.

Dental Bridges

Dental bridges are markedly more affordable than implants, though they are far from permanent. Bridges use a combination of crowns and artificial teeth to secure the bridge and fill any gaps that might have formed as a result of missing teeth.4 In truth, that’s a bit of an oversimplification. There are different types of bridges that are set in different ways. Dental bridge options include:

There are many things that go into the decision to opt for a dental bridge. The size of the gap, the number of missing teeth, the overall health of the teeth and the gums, and a person’s preferences and budget are major factors here.

There’s no way to know if a dental bridge is right for you without a professional consultation, but they remain a viable alternative to dentures and implants for many. If what you’ve read above piqued your interest, consider scheduling a consultation with a local dentist to find out if you’re a candidate.


Finally, dentures round out the list of available tooth replacement options. Most of us hear the word and picture a traditional set of full dentures. In truth, dentures come in a variety of shapes and sizes too. All of which are designed to serve specific needs. Modern denture options include:

Again, much of the process of selecting and fitting dentures is dictated by the state of the patient’s oral health. How many teeth you’re missing, your jawbone density, your budget, and your personal preferences dictate the viability of these oral appliances.5

If you do choose to go with dentures, expect your dentist to take a dental impression, construct a dental model, and customize the appliance to fit your mouth and your needs. Once you’re fitted, you’ll need to remove your dentures every night, clean them with a denture brush and paste, and soak them in a denture solution.

Restore Your Smile Today!

It should be obvious by now that the value of tooth restoration extends far beyond cosmetic appeal. Permanent bone loss, difficulty eating, and speech impairment headline a long list of drawbacks to neglecting your oral health. What’s more, the barriers to better oral health have all but evaporated. Technology, government grants, and an influx of tooth replacement professionals has driven down the cost of smile restoration once and for all.

Don’t let common misconceptions prevent you from restoring your smile. With a little bit of research, support, and guidance, you can find the ideal tooth replacement option for you. So, what are you waiting for? Reach out to a local dental professional today, and begin your journey to a brighter, healthier, and more radiant smile today.

Chris Brown
